Monitoring Reusable Data in the Dashboard
Action Items: After reading this page, here are the action items that need to be completed:
Log in and bookmark the dashboard
Make sure return rate and missed scan rate are in line with program goals
Cancel a rental (or learn how to cancel a rental)
Identify total loops opened since program launch
Identify loops opening and closing in the correct locations
Turn off instant forgiveness
If you have logged into the dashboard before visit the website at DASH.TOPANGA.IO and log in.
If you don’t remember your password use the “forgot password?” link at the bottom of the page and reset your password.
If you have not logged in before, check your email for the message from "You’ve been invited to the Loop Dashboard” and follow the steps to create an account.
If your invite has timed out reach out to the team
Bookmark the page
Return rate - the return rate is measuring the % containers that were scanned out and returned. There is a 3 day lag in this calculation to account for the return window.
By week 4, we want to see a return rate of 90% or higher.
Missed scan-in rate - this is the % of containers that were not scanned back in before being checked out. This means that containers are not being scanned in when they should be.
By week 4, we want to see a missed scan-in rate of 10% or lower.
Rentals - A rental is a record that associates an asset with a consumer. A rental is initiated each time an asset is checked-out to a consumer, and the rental is completed when the asset is checked back in.
Finding consumers in the dashboard
We authenticate consumers through their phone number, so that will always be the best way to search for a consumer.
If you are looking for a particular consumer, use the search field and the the “phone number” option from the drop down. Input the consumer’s phone number and all of their applicable rentals will populate.
If your search is yielding no results, try changing the date filter in the top right corner.
Cancelling rentals
What it means and when to utilize it:
Cancelling a rental will:
Update the status of the rental for the consumer as “forgiven”
Remove this rental from a future charge report
Prevent the rental from reaching “failed” or “charged”
Please note that a rental that has been charged can not be cancelled or forgiven.
Use this function when a consumer reaches out saying that they returned their container but it has not been scanned in yet.
How to cancel a rental:
Click on the rental id
Click on “Cancel rental”
Select the option that best fits. This is usually “missed return scan.”
Click “Confirm & cancel rental”

Asset events - this page includes a log of all activity associated with your assets. This will all be loops opened (scanned out) or loops closed (scanned in).
Filtering by asset event
What it means and when to use it:
If you want to find out information about how many scan-outs have occurred during a certain time frame, you would filter by “loops opened” and set the date range.
How to filter by loops opened, identify total loops opened since program launch:
Click on the “Asset events” section
Click the “Event type” drop down and select “Loop opened”
Change the date range in the top right corner to program launch date - today
The total number of applicable assets will appear in the top right corner under the date filter. This number is the total number of assets scanned out since program launch.
How to filer by location
What it means and when to use it:
Every asset event (loop closed or loop opened) is attached to a location. The locations are based on the ScanApp accounts.
You will use this feature to find out things like are scan-outs/scan-ins are happening where you expect them to. For example, if a scan-out is happening at the dishroom that would prompt checking in on that dishroom’s scanning operations.
How to filter by location, identify if scan-outs are happening at a scan-in (like a dishroom) location:
Click on the “Asset events” section
Click on the “Locations” dropdown and select the scan-in location you want to view
Review the events to see if there are any scan-outs happening at this location

Forgiveness - Forgiving a rental means that you do not intend to issue fines to the consumer for failing to return a container before the rental expires. Forgiven rentals will display the “Forgiven” status in the Topanga dashboard and the consumer’s ReusePass account. Rentals that have been fined cannot be forgiven, and rentals that have been forgiven can not be fined. There are two types of forgiveness: instant forgiveness and return received forgiveness. You can find out more information about the different forgiveness types in the dashboard.
Turn off instant forgiveness. It is our recommendation to have instant forgiveness on for the first month of operations, but once you are past the first month and the program is operating smoothly you should turn this off.