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Setting up the Dashboard


Action items: After reading this page, here are the action items that need to be completed:

  • Log into & bookmark the dashboard

  • Create locations in the dashboard

  • Add ScanApp accounts

  • Add asset types

  • Configure rental settings



  • You will receive an email from with the subject line “You’ve been invited to the Loop Dashboard”

    • If you do not receive this email check your spam folder, and if you still do not see the email then reach out to the Topanga team

  • Follow the steps outlined in the email to create your account

  • Be sure to bookmark the webpage


  • You need to add locations to your dashboard in order to set up the tracking and tracing of your reusable container program.

    • Parent locations are the building of the dining locations that will be offering reusables. Scanning locations are the station which the meal was prepared and the asset was scanned out.

  • To create locations in the dashboard follow these steps:

    • Creating Parent Locations & Scanning Locations:

      • Navigate to the “Settings” section of the dashboard in the bottom left of the sidebar.

      • Click on the “+ Add location” button in the top right corner. Fill in the required information, and hit “Continue.” You just created a parent location.

      • Scanning locations are anywhere a ScanApp device will be placed and scanning occurs. These are usually cashiers and dishrooms.

      • After inputting the information about the parent location, the next page will lead you to input information about the scanning location.

      • Click the “+Add scanning location” button and input the name of the scanning location. The parent location name will automatically be added.

  • Best Practices:

    • Be sure to differentiate every place that scanning occurs. For example if there are two cashiers in the same dining hall it will be helpful to call them cashier 1 & cashier 2 or cashier east & cashier west. This is so that if there are operational issues you will be able to determine exactly where the issues are occurring.



  • You need to create ScanApp accounts for every scanning location and device. This allows you to see exactly where and when containers are being scanned-out and scanned-in.

  • To create ScanApp accounts in the dashboard follow these steps:

    • Navigate to “Settings” on the bottom left of the sidebar. Select “ScanApp Accounts” on the top navigation bar.

    • Click on the “Create account” button.

    • Create the username; the campus name will auto-populate as the first part of the username. We recommend adding the scanning location name as the second part of the username. These should align with the scanning locations you just created. Examples:

      • sampleuniversity.dininghallname.cashier1

      • sampleuniversity.dininghallname.dishroom

    • Create a password. We recommend making the passwords the same for all ScanApp accounts.

      • Our recommended password: Mascot1!

    • Select the location that this account will be connected to from the dropdown. This comes directly from the list of locations you just created.

    • Hit the “Save” button.

  • Best practices for ScanApp accounts:

    • We recommend having 1 “flex device” per parent location. When setting up a flex device select “allow user to change scanning locations” and set scanning location permissions to all locations. These settings are only relevant to flex devices as they are intended to be used in multiple locations as a back up device.

    • Label the back of the device with the ScanApp username and password.



  • Rentals associate assets with consumers, and there are different forgiveness settings that change the how the rental shows up in the dashboard. You need to configure your forgiveness settings in your dashboard.

    • Forgiving a rental means that you do not intend to issue fines or penalize the consumer for failing to return a container before the rental expires. Forgiven rentals will display the “Forgiven” status in the Topanga dashboard and the consumer’s ReusePass account.

    • Rentals that have been fined cannot be forgiven, and rentals that have been forgiven can not be fined.

  • To configure your rental settings follow these steps:

    • Navigate to “Settings” in the primary navigation bar on the left

    • Select the “Rentals” tab in the secondary navigation at the top

    • Check the toggle settings for each policy and adjust as needed

      • We recommend turning on instant forgiveness for the first month of operations. Set a calendar reminder to turn this off after the first month of operations.

      • We recommend always having return received forgiveness on.

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