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Operator ScanApp Training + User Experience Testing
TIMELINE: This should be completed at least one week before your launch date.
Action Items: After reading this page, here are the action items that need to be completed:
Sign up for ReusePass
Review the ScanApp Training Video & Train Operators
Download master zip file of all training materials & print out copies for FOH and BOH
REUSEPASS FLOW: Non-Grubhub Locations
Sign up for a ReusePass account at your campus and check out a container!
Navigate to APP.REUSEPASS.COM scroll to select your campus
Go through the sign-up flow
Confirm you receive a “Welcome to ReusePass” text message once your account has been created
Use a ScanApp and your unique QR code to scan a container out to yourself
Confirm you receive a “You’ve checked out your first container” instructional text message
Login to the DASHBOARD to view the rental activity
Use the ScanApp in scan-in mode (red screen) OR your RFID reader to return the container
Check the rental status in the DASHBOARD
REUSEPASS FLOW: Grubhub Locations
Sign up for a ReusePass account at your campus and check out a container!
Navigate to APP.REUSEPASS.COM scroll to select your campus OR place an order with a ReusePass reusable container in your Grubhub App at a participating location
Go through the sign-up flow
Confirm you receive a “Welcome to ReusePass” text message once your account has been created
Confirm the Grubhub Order flow is working as expected
Place an order with a ReusePass reusable container in your Grubhub App at a participating location
Confirm the order receipt prints with your ReusePass QR code on it
Use a ScanApp and the QR code on the order receipt to scan a container out to yourself
Confirm you receive a “You’ve checked out your first container” instructional text message
Login to the DASHBOARD to view the rental activity
Use the ScanApp in scan-in mode (red screen) OR your RFID reader to return the container
Check the rental status in the DASHBOARD
Training your operators is key to launching a successful reusable program. We recommend training your location managers first, so they can reinforce best scanning practices on the floor with operators.
The below video will give you the tools your need to train your staff on the ScanApp:
Have operators start with opening the app, checking the scanning location in top left, and then go through checkout steps using “scan-out” function (green screen).
It’s important that the operator saves the session in between every student.
The container QR and student QR can be scanned in any order and multiple containers can be scanned out to a student during a single session.
Communicate the ScanApp needs to be connected to Wifi; if they are having trouble they should find a manager to check connectivity.

If your location is scanning in manually (not using a RFID reader) then you will want to train your team on how to scan containers back in.
Scan-in will likely occur by the dishwasher as containers are getting loaded onto the belt, but scan-in location may vary depending on your operations. Have operators start with opening the app, checking the scanning location in top left, and then go through checkout steps using “scan-in” function (red screen).
You can scan-in an unlimited amount of containers during scan-in before saving session (unlike scan-out).
Operators should see the number tick up as they scan in top left corner, and volume permitting may hear a noise for each read.
It’s important that the operator saves the session after they’re doing with all the containers.

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