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Dashboard support

Looking for help doing something? We’re here to help!

You can always check out the ReusePass Academy where we post tutorials on how to do common things as you manage your program.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please email

  • How do I delete a ReusePass user?
    Please send us an email to and include the consumer ID, phone number, or email address for the user that you’d like to have deleted. You can also have that user text the ReusePass support line they can find on the home page of the ReusePass app.
  • How do I add dashboard users?
    Please send us an email to and include the email address for the user you want to add.
  • How can I manually check out containers to a user?
    Once you have found the consumer you are looking for in the Rental list, you can click on their name and open up the Consumer Detail Page. Here you can select “Show consumer QR” and then use that as the ReusePass QR code to scan out a container with the ScanApp.
  • Can I export data from my dashboard?
    Exportable lists are not currently a feature that exist in the dashboard, but this is something our team is working on. If you have a specific request, please email your Customer Success Manager.
  • How can I find total number of ReusePass users in the dashboard?
    The total number of active ReusePass users, meaning users that have had containers checked in or out in the last 30 days, can be found on the Overview Page which is the home screen for the dashboard. Additional user analytics can be found in the program report which is delivered by your Customer Success Manager.
  • How can I look up the password for a ScanApp account?
    For security reasons, we do not store any ScanApp account passwords. If your username is an email address then you can go through the forgot password flow in the ScanApp. If your username is not an email address then you can reset the password in the dashboard. For more information on how to manage ScanApp accounts check out How to Create a ScanApp Account for your Track-and-Trace program in the ReusePass Academy.
  • What’s the best way to find a ReusePass user in the dashboard?
    The best way to find a ReusePass user is to go to the Rentals section of the dashboard. When you are there you can use the search bar to select the Consumer attribute you want to search by. Make sure that the date selection in the top right corner is long enough to include Rentals created for this ReusePass user (or Consumer). If the user has not created any Rentals yet, then they won’t show up in this list. Please send us an email to if you can’t find the user you are looking for.
  • How do I cancel a rental?
    Check out ReusePass Academy Dashboard 102: Canceling a Rental
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